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スクリーンショット 2013 03 10 17 04 19  mini



容量無制限で各種クライアントの使い勝手も良いクラウドストレージ『Bitcasa』 - Macの手書き説明書




スクリーンショット 2013 03 10 17 30 04  mini


これって、iMacの中のiTunesのライブラリをミラーリングして、MacBook Airで外出先からそのライブラリを使うことはできるんだろうか?


Bitcasa 1.0.2(無料)

カテゴリ: 仕事効率化
現在の価格: 無料(サイズ: 5.3 MB)
販売元: Bitcasa - Bitcasa, Inc.
リリース日: 2013/02/02

App + iPhone/iPadの両方に対応

現在のバージョンの評価: (2件の評価)
全てのバージョンの評価: (27件の評価)

What’s New
Fixed crash on startup issue
Fixed crash bug on camera backup of large videos
Added ability to upload large videos

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The Bitcasa mobile app for iOS allows you to access all your stuff stored on your Bitcasa Infinite Drive from your iPhone or iPad.

You can also connect Bitcasa to your device's camera to automatically save a copy of every picture and video you take into Bitcasa. You’ll never run out of space on your iPhone or iPad again.

With the Bitcasa iOS App, you can:
• Keep literally every file you've ever owned in your pocket
• Connect Bitcasa to your camera to automatically upload a copy of all pictures and videos you take
• “Favorite” items to keep a local copy always on your phone (so they are available offline)
• View your photos and entire photo albums
• Watch videos in various formats
• Listen to whole music albums
• View your work documents
• Share any file of any size to anyone.

About Bitcasa
Bitcasa is your unlimited external hard drive in the cloud. Your Bitcasa Infinite Drive instantly streams everything you have, including your documents, photos, videos, and music to your phone, tablet, and laptop. Easily share whatever you like with anyone you choose. It’s instant, simple, and never runs out of space. Bitcasa makes your device’s hard drive infinite, so you never have to worry about disk space again. You can save, access, and share an unlimited number of documents, pictures, music, and movies from any device. Everything is encrypted locally and backed up in the cloud so your data is always safe and secure.

Bitcasa is founded by former Mastercard and Mozy employees and backed by top-tier investors including Horizons Ventures, Pelion Venture Partners, Samsung Ventures, and Andreessen Horowitz.

